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This event has ended!
Lent Contemplative Service
Feb 15

Lent Contemplative Service

Registrations Closed
Date & Time
15 February 2024 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM
(UTC+11:00) Australia/Victoria

Registrations Are Closed

We welcome you to join us for our Lent Contemplative Service at WellSpring each Thursday of Lent for 6 weeks.
Come and join in a quiet reflective space starting at 7:15pm (after Hub dinner at Ashburton Baptist Church).

The time may include Scripture reading, Silence, Prayers and Music.
Please save these dates:

Thursday 15th February  - Transfiguration - Kathy Cave 

Thursday 22nd February -  Peter Bentley

Thursday 29th February -   Liz Johnson

Thursday 7th March - John Rogerson

Thursday 7th March - Leader TBA

Thursday 7th March - Fiona Curnow

 Maundy Thursday 28th March – Tenebrae service - Monique Christensen and Kathy Cave


Photo by Marcus Wallis on Unsplash



Event Type
Lent Contemplative Service
Event Location
10 Y Street
WellSpring, Ashburton VIC 3147

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