Art of Contemplative Practice


2026 Art of Contemplative Practice 2


Overview and duration

This online and in person unit explores the various forms or stages of contemplation relating to the shifts in our awareness of our relationship with the Divine. The application of contemplative practices associated with these forms or stages are examined to ascertain their influence on deepening awareness of personal spiritual development, vocational discernment, communal engagement and the development of global perspectives.


Duration: one semester

Unit requirements / recommendations


Art of Contemplative Practice 1 is required for Art of Contemplative Practice 2

Unit dates


Next intake: 2026

Unit details, learning outcomes, assessments, structure & recommended reading

Additional unit information

Teaching Team: Spiritual Formation Team

Class size (min/max) is designed to facilitate optimal participation.

At the conclusion of this unit, it is expected that students will be able to demonstrate evidence of personal reflection and integration of concepts by:

  • Articulating an historical framework for the development of contemplation through Christian history from the early Church to the current era
  • Demonstrating a clear understanding of contemplation and its relationship to other spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer and intercession
  • Developing a critical awareness of the unique aspects of the various forms of contemplation
  • Engaging in critical examination of their own spiritual practices as they relate to contemplation
  • Describing the relevance of contemplative practices to engagement with the world and diverse contexts and cultures of ministry

Participants who audit the unit are encouraged to complete the written tasks to gain full benefit.

Cost (per unit)

This course is offered through Whitley College. Government fee help is available to qualifying Australian citizens.

For academic credit, costs are as per the University of Divinity fees schedule.

There is a reduced cost for Audit participants**. Please apply here: 2025 Application for Audit

Useful links for additional information:

**NB: If you choose to complete the unit as an Audit participant, no academic credit can be claimed for the unit, either in the year at the time of enrolling, or retrospectively.

Enrolment process

Please enrol directly with Whitley College

Registrar, Whitley College
Email: | Ph: (03) 9340 8100

How to Apply - Whitley College

For more information

Please contact us at WellSpring

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