Our Mission
Our Vision
Deepening in God, living out love
Our Mission
Wominjeka, we gather here together.
WellSpring is an open and inclusive community formed in the contemplative Christian tradition.
We companion people in their diverse responses to the Divine in all of life and celebrate this in creation.
Our Goals
- Community Life: We invite people towards a deeper awareness of the Divine in everyday life, in a safe, hospitable and open community.
- Community Engagement: We encourage reflective engagement in justice, peace, reconciliation and the environment.
- Spiritual enrichment: We offer pathways for enrichment through spiritual companioning and academic programs for those who wish to extend their credentials.
Water is important at WellSpring!
From ancient times the spring was viewed as a gift; it arises mysteriously from the ground and spreads life wherever its waters flow. It is a common picture of the life of God in the world. This image is at the heart of WellSpring; God is the ‘living water’ of life… refreshing, cleansing, life-giving and creative.
You are welcome! May you find a place to rest, reflect and pray amongst friends.
Contact us for more information.