WellSpring Library


Welcome to the WellSpring Library


We welcome you to the WellSpring library and hope that you find enjoyment and enrichment in these books.

Registering as a Borrower

  • Students enrolled in a course through Whitley are automatically added as borrowers.
  • For all other people wishing to borrow books, please fill in a registration slip and place it in the box marked ‘Registration slips and borrowing cards.'

Using the Library

  • Please take books from the shelves only, not the returns box.
  • Books on the Reserved shelf may only be borrowed by students in the Art of Spiritual Companioning course.
  • You are welcome to borrow up to five books at any one time.
  • Books may be borrowed for up to one month.
  • Write the date and your name and phone number CLEARLY on the borrowing card from the pocket in back of the book and place it in the box marked ‘Registration slips and borrowing cards’.
  • Write down the due date for yourself (one month from the date of borrowing) on the ‘Date due’ slip in the back of the book.
  • If a book is overdue, you will receive an overdue notice (NB: this will come from in the University of Divinity Library Hub where the WellSpring catalogue is managed).

Finding Books

  • The catalogue for the WellSpring library is in the University of Divinity Library Hub at https://library.divinity.edu.au/. Enter your search term (title and/or author). Then select WellSpring in the list of libraries. You will need to scroll down the menu bar at the left of the page.
  • Students enrolled in a course with the University of Divinity (UD) can borrow from any of the UD libraries.

Borrowing Books


  • Students may borrow books online.

In-Person at WellSpring Centre

Returning Books

  • Simply place the books in the box marked ‘Library book returns’ in the Resource Room near the door. Please do not put them back on the shelf, as we need to process all returns – otherwise, you will receive an overdue notice.

As the library is not staffed full time, you are welcome to contact info@wellspringcentre.org.au and someone will be in touch to answer your questions about library matters.